‘Scared Shitless because there are Blogs!’

Bekijk deze TEDvideo eens met als spreker Mena Trott over blogs op een verfrissend NIET perfecte manier. In mijn reactie schreef ik dan ook:

‘I was relieved that someone was actually doing a non perfect speech. She let everyone know she was a bit nervos, she even tripped over some words but it made her human. Aside to that she gave a personal speech about why she loved to blog. I never had the idea she was arrogant about it because it was lightheartedly told and with humor. And she was quick with words and anekdotes which came to me as a surprise; most speakers give three of four examples about the same thing and I get easily bored.

I also got the message; blogs are personal stories. blogs have the ability to make and bundle your own history. Blogs matter for those who like to archive. But, blogs are more than that…’

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